Monday, August 20, 2012

Hydrangea Watercolor Recipe Book

For a while I've had the idea to make a recipe book with blank recipe cards in it, to help people record and collect their family recipes.  My mom brought the idea back to the forefront when we were talking one day and she mentioned that all of her recipe were on slips of paper and loose index cards.  I decided to go home that night and make her a blank recipe book.

I found some lovely watercolor hydrangea paper in my stack of papers, which just so happened to look like mom's backyard hydrangea, Ramon.  (Yes, naming plants runs in the family.)  I only had one sheet unfortunately, just enough for a front cover, but I decided it would be enough and used a nice blue Gingham paper for the back cover.

I also developed my own recipe cards for this project, again in Inkscape, and experimented with printing my bindery logo on the back cover.  I decided it would look better as a tip-in at the end of the book, so people can remove it if they really don't want to see it.  This was the first book I made where I was unequivocally happy with the results.  I can still see areas to improve in, and places where I can develop some polish and grow, but I don't feel like a first-timer anymore. :)

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